This video provides a look at the 2017 REI Co-Op Quarter Dome 1 lightweight backpacking tent.
River camping at its finest. With the possibility of rain throughout the weekend, the spaciousness of this 1 person tent made the passing storms more tolerable.
One of many days on the Appalachian Trail this year. This one, during a solo trip and also what inspired me to film my first YouTube video (video is part of this post above).
Liveable, comfortable, breathable and reasonably light. A good night's rest in the Green Mountains of Vermont.
Not a bad spot to spend the night on Cape Cod at Sandy Neck. A 3.5 mi hike on sand and stone led to this primitive spot just 0.2 mi away from the water (accessible from camp by hiking an existing path down to the shore).
Setup in the White Mountains of New Hampshire between the Kinsmans, Cannon and Franconia Ridge.